Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The "Dragon" Airport

In this article, James Reynolds gives us an idea of the progress that China is living now. While we are talking, China is impressing the world by building one of the biggest airports that the humanity has seen. It is even bigger than Heathrow airport. If we want to compare, it is twice the size and half the cost. Equipped with new technologies and style. The capacity of the airport will be up to 50 Million passengers per year and it only took them four years to build it. This revolution is applied on all the buildings in China. So, China "is now ready to outdo the rest of the world".

In my opinion, this revolution will have both good and bad impact. The good thing is that, it will make life much easier on China and it will make China's income much bigger. But the bad thing about it is that by building an airport that big, the number of airplane will increase which will escalate the amount of carbon die oxide in the air. We all know what that means, global warming.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Favourite Picture Of All Times

The reason i love this pic is because i used to wear sunglasses when i was a baby , and now, i have this obbsetion for sunglasses . I love sunglasses, this shot was taken by my brother. Hw made me put the "Egaaal" , said it will look funny on me :-)

waiting for your comments guys and Miss :p

Monday, February 18, 2008

Abu Dhabi - On The World Wide Map

On Wednesday, the 13th of February, 2008, we went to the Emirates palace as a filed trip for our section in college with our great instructor Frankie. The purpose for that trip was to see the Masdar Zero-Carbon city model, Saadiyat Island exhibition and the Arts of Islam.

My first reaction to the Masdar Zero-Carbon city model was WOW! The modal was pretty fascinating. What I really liked about the city was the transportation. The design of the city was very creative and amazing, but the high light is that the model was that the city had zero carbon, zero waste, and zero pollution which I found that it will be a huge leap torwards "less global warming". If the project is going to be as expected, this will put Abu Dhabi on the map as one of the cities in the world that are trying to do something about pollution and global warming.

About the Saadiyat island exhibition, I think there is only one word that can describe what I saw, Huge! The exhibition has several major museums like the louver, and the Nottingham. What I am really waiting for in this exhibition are two things. First, the sheikh Zayed museum which will contain the details of his life and some belongings of him, may he rest in peace. The second thing is the performing center. At last, Abu Dhabi will have a performing hall.

Finally, we saw the Art of Islam. The gallery contained portraits, carpets, books, and many things that belong to that period. What really fascinated me was the Holly Quran. They had a holly Quran that is easily 200 years old but it was in a very good condition. Another thing that I liked in that gallery was the armory. I saw helmets, knives, and daggers that people used to wear in wars and battles in previous times.

Over all, I loved the trip and I thought it was very educating and amazing.