Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The "Dragon" Airport

In this article, James Reynolds gives us an idea of the progress that China is living now. While we are talking, China is impressing the world by building one of the biggest airports that the humanity has seen. It is even bigger than Heathrow airport. If we want to compare, it is twice the size and half the cost. Equipped with new technologies and style. The capacity of the airport will be up to 50 Million passengers per year and it only took them four years to build it. This revolution is applied on all the buildings in China. So, China "is now ready to outdo the rest of the world".

In my opinion, this revolution will have both good and bad impact. The good thing is that, it will make life much easier on China and it will make China's income much bigger. But the bad thing about it is that by building an airport that big, the number of airplane will increase which will escalate the amount of carbon die oxide in the air. We all know what that means, global warming.

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