Wednesday, April 23, 2008


If you open a newspaper or switch on the television or even surf the Internet you will definitely find an article or a program that discuses global warming. Global warming is the "21st century plague". The definition of global warming is simply, the temperature of the earth is escalating and getting much higher then the average. This problem is caused by a lot of different factors that humanity has caused such as our drastic life styles which leaves behind a large carbon footprint and the hole in the ozone layer. People and leaders all over the world are concerned with this problem because statistics showed that if we keep on living the way we are living now, this problem will implode and in the 15 to 25 years, there will not be a planet for us to live in. As a way of reducing the impact of global warming, Abu dhabi has signed to be a cool city and they are trying to reduce the city's large carbon footprint. A way of getting involved in this problem, Abu Dhabi is building a city that has no carbon waste and no emissions. I am going to use different kind of research methods and different topics to write a well covered project. in order for me to do that, i am going to use my critical thinking to achieve better outcome and get all the prospectives about global warming.

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