Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Life In Lines

Hello everybody, my name is Obaid Hamad Al Mehairi. I am 20 years old which means that in was born in 1987. My birthday is on the 10th of May .To be honest, I really don't know what to say about my self. I study in the HCT and am in my first year and I am planning to study business as my major. I like reading English and Arabic novels. Classic novels are my type. I enjoy reading Stevenson's novels. From his wide library, I read Treasure Island, Kidnapped, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Railway children. As a child, I had an ordinary childhood.

I was born in a big family where I had two grand fathers, two grand mothers, aunts and uncles. I am the youngest brother. We are six, Khalifa, Adel, Mohammed, Ahmed, Saif, and Me, Obaid. My father was in the army so as we grew we didn’t see him much. You can say that my mother raised us, so I am my mama’s boy. My mother is an exceptional and an amazing housewife. I know it my sound cheesy because it’s my mother and I am supposed to say that, but believe me, she deserves it. She scarified a lot and gave a lot for us to be who we are right now, I know when I say that I speak for all my brothers when I say that we are grateful that she is in our life and the things she does to us , we will carry it with us till the day we die. Maybe as you noticed, I have no sisters, I don’t know if this is considered a good thing or a bad thing. We are all bunch of boys. I was told that when my mother was pregn
ant, with me. They thought that I was a girl and that they have picked out a name for me and I was told that it was Mariam, they picked that name because my great grandmother, her name was Mariam. But it was a surprise when they found out that I am a boy. I am hoping that it was a good surprise. My older brother, Khaifa, works in ADGAS and he is married and has three children , Mohammed, Mira, and Khadem. The only thing that I can say about Khalifa is that he will be there for you, if you needed him. My second brother is Adel, he is still studying in the HCT, in the business department and hopefully, he will graduate this year. Adel is the funny one; he always makes me laugh and does all the pranks. I remember one time I came late from the movies and he knew about me. While I was going to my room, he hid inside my closet and surprised me. I swear to god that I felt I was going to have a heart attack. I kept running after him then we started laughing. Mohammed is next, he works in ADCO. Mohammed is more as a friend then a brother. He is the one you hang out with and play PS with, and go to the movies with. Ahmed is the toughest one; if you have a problem he always has a solution for you whether it’s a sane solution or a crazy one. Last but not least, my brother Saif. Saif is older than me by one year, he was born in 1986 and I was born in 1987. I think due to the small age difference, we became very close. I tell him almost everything in my life.

Before going to school, at age 3, I remember that I used to love Walt Disney’s movies. I remember that I loved watching Aladdin. I watched it all the time w hich I think at that age, has developed my Imagination a lot. In addition, it developed my English skills as a child. I started school when I was 4 years old. My school was Al Nahdah international School which was a private school. This was another reason for my fairly good English. I remember I had a teacher her name was Geraldine. I liked her so much, when the graduation day came, I remember that she hugged me and surprisingly, I cried. It was very odd of me to cry about a teacher or anything that is related to school because it was known in the house that I hated school.

When I was a teenager I was the quiet kid. I never made my parents go nuts. My grades were skyrocketing. I always get A’s in my subjects which thankfully, made my parents proud of me. There wasn’t any thing special about my teenage year except that I suffered from obesity. With the help of my aunt I went to see a doctor for my problem. With a balanced diet and exercise, I lost nearly 25KG of my weight. I was 92Kg and I reached 67Kg but I don’t what happened and when it happened. I lost control over my weight and I gained some of it. I am solving this issue right now and I hope that I will sustain my weight.

I have traveled to many places. Some trips were with my family and some were with my friends. I went to Malaysia, Turkey, KSA, the USA, and most of Europe. My favorite two places were the UK and KSA. I liked the trip to the United Kingdom because we had a lot of fun there with my family; we went to see madam Tuso wax museum. The statues were amazing, they looked so real. I saw a lot of famous people’s statues such as Julia Roberts, Sadam Husain, George Bush, Nelson Mandela, and many more. I remember on the same day that we went to the museum; we rode the “London Eye” after wards. It was very nice to see the entire city, but the funny thing was my mother. My mother was scared of heights and we insisted that she joins us in the ride. My brother Adel kept scaring her the whole time. It was funny. KSA was special to me because I went to see Makah and I saw the Kabba too. I can’t find the words to describe the feeling that I had when I saw the Kabba for the first time. I was so overwhelmed that I had goose bumps the entire time. In that trip, I went with my father and Mohammed and Saif. We spent most of the time in the Mosque reading Quran, and praying. It was very spiritual and holly.

As has been mentioned before, In My free time I love to read classic novels but I also love to watch TV shows. My favorite two TV shows are “Desperate Housewives” and “Grey’s anatomy”. I don’t have a lot of hobbies to be honest. I also love going to the cinema too. My favorite movie of all time was “Titanic”. It had won eleven Oscars. In my opinion, the movie should’ve won all the awards because this movie was so great that each time I watch it, it moves me. The story, the actors, the music, and many other factors had made this movie one of the best movies of all time. If I had the chance I would love to learn different languages other than Arabic and English. I would love to speak French or Spanish or Italian. I think it will help me a lot and it will widen my knowledge in a way that will be useful for me in the future.

This section is supposed to be the most important one in my profile. There is a person that I met recently and I got to know very good and he had a big impact on my life, a good impact. This person is my friend Nasser. When everybody see how close we are, they think that we have known each other since birth, but they don’t know that we met only 5 months ago. Before knowing Nasser, I was very closed and shut to my self. I didn’t have a lot of friends and to be honest, I didn’t believe in true friendship, because now days, its very rare to find a true friend that will be there for you when you need someone , or understands you , or be supportive without judging . Well, Nasser did all those things. I used to hear that there are some bonds that are stronger than blood bond. Well, now i know that this is true because i met Nasser. He has changed my life, to the better. I owe him a lot. Now, thanks to Nasser, I have friends, or even better, I have a social life. He had a big influence on my life; he changed my perspective to life. I know it may sound that I am making a big deal out but it is. Before knowing him, i always used to put a smile on my face , always. I always made people laugh. But underneath this smile, was a whole world mixed with happiness, sadness, loneliness, bitterness, and a lot of emotions. Now I don't have to fake a smile because knowing Nasser had put a genuine smile on my face. Nasser is like a brother to me. I remember one time he was going to pick me up from my house and we would go the cinema. He called me and said get out the house, i am out side. So i went outside and i didn't find him there, a minute after that i came. Guess what did he do, he almost ran me with the car!! It was supposed to be a joke but we laughed at what happened. This joke comes with every topic we talk about, and i am not planning to let him off the hook! So, i just want to say, thank you Nasser for all you have done to me and I hope I can be a good friend as you are.

In the future, I want to have a family, I know that hopefully, I will because as simple as it is, I am a family guy. I know that I will be a good husband and a good father too. I love children a lot and I know that I will love my wife too. How do i know that I will love my wife? Because I have never fallen in love. Ever! In these days, this may sound horrifying but from what I hear, the first love you will have will be the strongest and the most pure love you will ever experience. It will leave a mark in your life. I am waiting to fall in love with my wife and she won't be just my wife. She will be my friend, my love and my everything. I hope that I am going to a successful man that has a skyrocketing career and have great friends. If I could change anything about the UAE I would change nothing because I am madly and deeply in love with my country.

In conclusion, I hope that you have enjoyed my profile because I have enjoyed writing it. So, this is it, my life in lines.

Global Warming Video

This is our global warming video , My friend Nasser and I worked on it , i hope that you will enjoy it...

Click on the link if you want to download it

What Abu Dhabi should do to make people aware of Global Warming

As we all know , Abu Dhabi has one of the biggest carbon footprint in the world . People should be more aware of what is happening in the world and about global warming . Abu Dhabi can do several things to increase the awareness of global warming within people , Such as:

  • Write about the problem in Newspaper, magazine , and even in kids books.

  • Prepare and host programs on TV and radio that discuses the problem with all its causes and effects and give possible applicable solutions for it.

  • Distribute warning posters and flayers all over the city to make the people more aware to this problem.

  • Have discussion groups and seminars that talks about the issue and give us tips on how to deal with it.

  • They should put it in school's curriculum and teach it.

  • Bring people who are aware of this issue to talk about it like Al Gore.

This way , the level of awareness will increase in Abu Dhabi and hopefully , the rest of the country.

Why Is It Called "An Inconvenient Truth"?

It is called An Inconvenient Truth because it is inconvenient for us to change our comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle just to make it better on our planet and it is inconvenient for countries to change the way they are living.