Thursday, May 15, 2008

What Abu Dhabi should do to make people aware of Global Warming

As we all know , Abu Dhabi has one of the biggest carbon footprint in the world . People should be more aware of what is happening in the world and about global warming . Abu Dhabi can do several things to increase the awareness of global warming within people , Such as:

  • Write about the problem in Newspaper, magazine , and even in kids books.

  • Prepare and host programs on TV and radio that discuses the problem with all its causes and effects and give possible applicable solutions for it.

  • Distribute warning posters and flayers all over the city to make the people more aware to this problem.

  • Have discussion groups and seminars that talks about the issue and give us tips on how to deal with it.

  • They should put it in school's curriculum and teach it.

  • Bring people who are aware of this issue to talk about it like Al Gore.

This way , the level of awareness will increase in Abu Dhabi and hopefully , the rest of the country.

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