Thursday, June 5, 2008

Conclusion ( The Last Post )

In this article, the author, Johann Hari states that the little things that were said it can reduce the effects of global warming are nonsense. Small things like reducing the amount of travels by plane or switching from the regular light bulb to the florescent light bulb or using different means of transportations other than cars like bicycles and busses or even reduce the water and electricity consumption. The author says that we need to take big actions towards this crisis. Big action by his definition is to let the governments do something instead of people. The people as he say, are important but the little things that were mentioned before won't have a big effect like the government's. We should volunteer or even better, donate to green foundations like Green Peace or Friends of The Earth or Plane Stupid. Those foundations can twist the government's arm and force them to take an action and do something instead of looking out for themselves.

In my opinion, I totally disagree with the author. He says that people have small impact to what is happening to our world. If people from all over the wo
rld put hand on hand and decided to do the "little things", the amount of CO2 will climb down dramatically. I don’t say that the government shouldn't do anything about, they should and I think they are. I am talking about our government; they are trying to reduce their carbon footprint by setting penalties to those who don’t adhere to the rules, and by building cool cities, like Masdar City. They are trying, but most of the effort must come from the people, not the government.

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