Tuesday, June 3, 2008

P & S: How to reduce our carbon foot print?

Our World, the world we are living in, is crying for help and no one is listening. We are abusing it everyday without even knowing about what problems and issues it may cause. As a consequence, we are facing now a major crisis that is called global warming. Global warming is measured by how big is a carbon foot print. Carbon foot print is a "measure of humanity's impact on the earth's climate through activities that emit greenhouse gases". I am living as if there were 3.24 planets. I will now present the problems that may lead to big carbon footprints and suggest possible solutions.

There are several important problems that can lead to gigantic carbon foot prints. One of the main problems is that we don't recycle. Recycling is an important factor that effects global warming. We can recycle papers, empty plastic bottles and cans. Another important problem is traveling. People, especially in the Middle East, travel a lot. In the winter and summer, the trips to countries double which means the airplanes burn gas which eventually, lead to big carbon foot prints. The last problem that I will discuss is energy consumption. We use a lot of energy either water or electricity which can leave behind big carbon foot prints.

For every problem in the world, there are solutions. One of the main solutions that can be applied is reducing the energy consumption. We can reduce it by simply turning off the lights when getting out of the room and close the water tap when unneeded. Another good solution that we can do is using alternative means of transportations that doesn't send out C02 to the air like bicycles or scooters. The last solution is that we could eat less meat. The lesser meat we eat the less we leave behind us big carbon foot prints.

In conclusion, it is not too late for us to change, if we follow the suggested solutions we could reduce our carbon foot print dramatically.

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